faceless woman using laptop while sitting on bed

Whether you’re looking for more information about how to contact Well Caffeinated mom or you want to send us a product to review, here’s where you can do that.

When you contact Well-Caffeinated Mom, please make sure you’re clear about what information you are looking for. If you’re looking for product reviews, advertising, or guest posting, please say so. Emails that read like spam will wind up in our spam box, so if you’d like a response, please make sure to be clear in your email.

We have limited spots for sponsored posts at the moment. Sponsored and guest posts are published only if they fit the interests of our audience. Please see our guest posting guidelines for more information. Do not submit your entire article if you haven’t first pitched us your ideas.

Contact Well Caffeinated Mom at rondab@wellcaffeinatedmom.com with all of your inquiries or fill out the form below.

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