Ah…the moving process. My son and I have moved in with my partner, and it’s wonderful! We started our life in our new home with the obligatory pizza night – ordering pizza from our favorite local pizza place. Our world is currently filled with tons of boxes – and books – so it’s going to …
My Happy List
There’s a lot of talk about happiness and happiness projects. I like to keep a list of things I can do that make me happy/will lighten a dark or anxious mood when I find myself in one. Here’s a sample of items on my list: Listen to cheesy 80s music – the cheesier the better …
What’s Hiding in the Left Side of My Closet
Theme Song: “La Vie En Rose” Madeleine Peyroux Projects: Lots of writing and editing; purging belongings that are not needed So, I was going through my stuff (in a fit of insomnia, which happens from time to time) and I found a box of hidden journals. I forgot I had these journals all boxed up neatly, …
Why Did I Spend Fourteen Years in Academia?
Theme Song: Silence Projects: So many that I’m not listing them here right now… So, this is a question I woke up with on my mind this morning as I thought about academia’s grim prospects. I have an MA degree in philosophy, which pretty much qualifies me to hang out in a box behind Walmart. …
Letting Go of the Reins
Handing over the reins and letting someone help out when you need it isn’t a sign of dependence – it’s a sign of trust.
So…it’s the New Year…What Are You Going to Do About It?
Theme Song: “Keep On Moving” – Bob Marley Current Projects: Looking for new clients, Making contact with all current and prospective clients So, it’s the new year. Happy New Year. I had a couple of tough years there. It’s my opinion that 2010 should never have happened and a good amount of 2011 was fallout …
Another Christmas
So it’s like my 35th Christmas here on earth (if you count when I was just a wee lass of a month and a half old), and so far it’s been a good one. It’s got me thinking about a lot of things – the end of the year stuff – things I’ve accomplished this …
The Sad State of American Birth Control Options
Theme Song: Pink Floyd “Money”…while thinking about birth control options… Projects: Writing articles, editing stuff, getting ready for Christmas You probably haven’t stopped much to think about birth control options – unless you need it. It’s really actually a sad thing that the options that we have for birth control are kind of slim and …
Things to be Thankful For
Theme Song: “The Middle” Jimmy Eat World Projects of the Day: Articles, articles, and more articles followed by a fundraiser I originally was going to do this post as something around Thanksgiving, but you know how things go…you get busy and those plans go by the wayside. It’s kind of funny, because the way things …
On Learning to Scale Back
Historically, I’ve been a busy woman. As an undergraduate, I would work 40 hours a week at one job, 20 at a second job, and take 20 units each semester. That’s 80 hours right there. Couple that with the fact that I’m a single mom, was very active in my honors society, and still managed …