
Ah…the moving process.  My son and I have moved in with my partner, and it’s wonderful! We started our life in our new home with the obligatory pizza night – ordering pizza from our favorite local pizza place. Our world is currently filled with tons of boxes – and books – so it’s going to …

christmas tree with baubles

Another Christmas

So it’s like my 35th Christmas here on earth (if you count when I was just a wee lass of a month and a half old), and so far it’s been a good one. It’s got me thinking about a lot of things – the end of the year stuff – things I’ve accomplished this …

pink pills on yellow surface

The Sad State of American Birth Control Options

Theme Song: Pink Floyd “Money”…while thinking about birth control options… Projects: Writing articles, editing stuff, getting ready for Christmas You probably haven’t stopped much to think about birth control options – unless you need it. It’s really actually a sad thing that the options that we have for birth control are kind of slim and …

man in black and gray plaid dress shirt

Things to be Thankful For

Theme Song: “The Middle” Jimmy Eat World Projects of the Day: Articles, articles, and more articles followed by a fundraiser I originally was going to do this post as something around Thanksgiving, but you know how things go…you get busy and those plans go by the wayside. It’s kind of funny, because the way things …