Book Review: Aegis Rising by S. S. Segran #AegisTour & $40 Giftcard Giveaway

    Interestingly enough, in today’s Masquerade Book Tours review, the author is a teenager weaving together complex situations together for other teenagers to read. It’s almost a love letter to the Pacific Northwest as well. The author captivates her audience by weaving together the ancient world of 500 BC with present day youths. I …

Book Review: Into the Arms of Morpheus by Jessica Nicholls #MorpheusTour & Giveaway!

    If you enjoy books about the gods and goddesses, you may find this book to be a fun read. Meet Sylvia, a university student who has an obsession with Morpheus, the Greek God of Dreams. Meet Nyx, the goddess of Night. It’s definitely geared to a young adult audience, as the voice of …

Book Review: Black Moon by Becca C. Smith and F.M. Sherrill #MoonTour

In F.M. Sherrill and Becca C. Smith’s (Atlas) collaborative effort, Black Moon, we meet the bored Shea Harper, a college student stuck at ASU in Phoenix. I say stuck, because it’s clear from the outset that she is miserable there – she wanted to go to UCLA, but couldn’t find funding. Like me, she cannot …