Pairing Suggestions: Bertagna Son Kissed Vineyard’s 2010 Sangiovese Rosé and Bratwurst

I’ve been struggling lately, as you can tell from my lack of posts.  It’s not that I’ve not had things to write about – I do have sewing projects to share with you. It’s more that after this latest move, it’s taken a minute to get my bearings about me and really process everything that’s …

house lights turned on

Guest Post: The Top 5 Things You Should Replace Every 10 Years in Your House

Today’s guest post comes from Andy, a home improvement and DIY blogger. Here are things you should replace every 10 years in your house. Your home requires regular maintenance, something that you should remember or you might end up spending thousands of dollars fixing a larger problem down the road. Every decade or so you …

muscles food

Why are Tons of Oyster Shells Being Dumped Onto Louisiana’s Coast?

On NationSwell a couple of years ago, they posed the question, “Why are Tons of Oyster Shells Being Dumped Onto Louisiana’s Coast?” Little did I know, oyster shells are being recycled in an attempt to restore the shoreline in Louisiana. According to the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, since the program’s inception in 2014, more than …