Today’s guest post comes from author Felix Holzapfel.
Usually, I don’t like creating these types of lists because I always feel like I’m missing something or someone important. Nevertheless, I’ll give it a try–without claiming the list is exhaustive.
Of course, what first come to mine are classics like George Orwell’s 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Both were so far ahead of their time in forecasting developments that seemed crazy back then yet, at least in part, became reality. Initially, I intended to write something similar to an updated version of 1984 and call it 2084. Some old files on my computer still have this working title. But just updating an existing story didn’t feel fulfilling. I wanted more. I wanted to create my own story.
Authors Dan Brown or Ken Follett?
What I particularly enjoy about reading Dan Brown and Ken Follet is the way they weave historical facts into fictional stories. They lecture and entertain at the same time. Authors like Bill Bryson and Yuval Noah Harari hit the same notch. Yes, they write non-fiction, but how they entertain while explaining complex topics is fascinating.
Books like:
- Quantum Computing for Everyone by Chris Bernhardt
- The Future Is Faster Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler
- Life 3.0 by Max Tegmarg
- Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom
- Hacking Darwin by Jamie Metzl
- Lifespan by David A. Sinclair
- Nano Comes to Life by Soni Contera
are just some examples of books I read while researching Catch-42 that also inspired me and my story.
Of course, plenty of Sci-Fi books fascinated me, e.g.,
- Neuromancer by William Gibson
- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Ready Player Two was not yet available)
- The Wool Trilogy by Hugh Howey.
I also found a couple of books my grandmother gave me quite inspiring, including Child of the Revolution by Wolfgang Leonhard that taught me a lot about Communism, life in the 1930s and 1940s in the Soviet Union, and history in general.
As I said, this list is a small snapshot of books that inspired me. We haven’t talked about movies yet—but this would go beyond the scope of this blog posting.
Are We Headed Toward a World Where Every Dream Comes True?
Or will science and technology destroy what makes us human?
Catch-42: A Novel about our Future

A glimpse of a future that may be right around the corner.
Tech thriller Catch-42 offers a mind-blowing tour of potential uses for AI, biotech, quantum computing, and robotics, all within a suspense-filled story packed with unexpected twists.
Dan is an ordinary guy, scrambling to make a living, who has the most extraordinary dream. A mysterious voice from the future asks for his help. He finds himself transported to a technological wonderland where everyone’s dreams can come true. Could this be nirvana, a peaceful and clear state of mind, or is this life destroying the one thing that makes us human? Whose vision of the future should Dan believe: that of the New World Order of WeYou, or the revolution of an underground movement called Teccupy?
Before Dan can make his choice, he must learn how we got from here to there. We are with Dan at every moment as he is forced to choose sides and think the unthinkable, make the impossible possible, and turn a hopeless situation into a solvable problem in his search for the ultimate catch-42.
Brimming with current scientific findings, Catch-42 is a novel like no other that raises fundamental and philosophical questions whose answers depend on us all.

About the Author:
Thinkers 360 recognized Felix Holzapfel as a Top 10 Global Thought Leader in Digital Transformation. During the last two decades, Holzapfel has been privileged to support many global players on their way to the digital age. While he has published several books about technology, trends, and the shift in our media landscape, Catch-42 is his first novel and a book he has wanted to write for a long time. Having sold his digital marketing agency to one of the world’s leading IT services providers, he now has time for this passion project.
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“We added some new letters to the alphabet of life. Catch-42 turns these new letters into a fascinating story about technology, our society, and future.” —Floyd E. Romesberg, Chemist, Synthetic Biologist, TED Speaker
“Creative, inventive, an enjoyable read. Stretched my thinking with an outstanding understanding of emerging technologies and what’s possible today, coupled with a futuristic mindset that challenges the reader to explore what’s real and what’s right.” —Michael Fulton, Academic Director of Digital Executive Education at The Ohio State University
“In Catch-42, Felix Holzapfel spins his deep understanding of today’s most important technology trends into a gripping narrative about choice, ethics, and the nature of humanity—and shows us that the future will truly be what we make it.” —Greg Verdino, Futurist, Author of Never Normal
“Like it or not, technology will rapidly change our world. Catch-42 demonstrates why it is so important that all of us get involved in the decision-making process that is nearly upon us.” —M. Sean Coleman, Author of Netwars: The Code
“Catch-42 is not a classic page-turner but a demanding idea-turner. The novel covers many trending topics and important current questions. You might need some time to read it, but it’s worth every second.” —Brett Greene, Founder, New Tech Northwest