A popular European toy collection, tonies, made its debut in the United states a few days ago, and if you haven’t heard of them, you’re missing out. I recently learned about tonies when I was contacted for a review of the toy – launched just in time for the Christmas shopping season. Because it’s geared toward children who are the same ages of my own children, and seemed pretty cool, I agreed to a review. The marketing team at tonies sent me the starter set and some of the Content Tonies to review with my kids – ages 6.5, 4.5, and 3.
I received the toniebox Starter Kit & Content Tonies in exchange for review. All opinions contained within are my own. This post contains affiliate links. We may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you.
What Is a “tonie”?

tonies are a two-part toy consisting of the Toniebox, a soft shockproof small cube made of durable fabric and small tonies figures – handpainted characters loaded with stories and songs.
There are two types of tonies – Content Tonies, which are pre-loaded with stories and songs, and Creative-Tonies, which allow kids and parents to create their own stories that the tonies then share.
How do tonies Work?

You will need Wi-Fi access for the initial set up of your Toniebox, but after that, you will be able to use the Toniebox for up to seven hours unplugged and on the go. When you set the tonie Figure atop the Toniebox, the Toniebox downloads the music and stories from the figure while also playing it.

The Creative-Tonies work by recording on your device then uploading the recording to the site. Then, the next time your child places the Creative-Tonie on the Toniebox, it downloads the recording and plays it – just as your child had recorded it. It’s also a really great way for extended family to be in touch with your child. Ask a grandparent to record a reading of a story or singing of a song and send it to you, then upload it to the desired tonie.
What We Thought
My kids got a kick out of them. They especially liked the Creative-Tonie and the idea of creating their own sounds and stories to put onto the tonie. The Pirate tonie’s voice that was recorded scared both my 6-year-old and 4-year-old for some reason. Because it was new, they each wanted to test all of the tonies first before settling into play. The real hit though was with Miss 3. After unboxing, she played with the tonies for the bulk of the day, four days in a row.
I really like how they are an open-ended toy in addition to having set content on them. In addition to playing the songs, Miss 3 carried the little dog tonie, which is pre-loaded with kids classics like “Wheels on the Bus” with her everywhere for the four-day durration. We had to remove it from her grip when she’d fall to sleep.
I also love that tonies are collectable – this means “Santa” has a very easy stocking-stuffer for a couple years.
Where to Purchase tonies
tonies are available starting today on Amazon.com, tonies.com, Target.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and FAO.com. The Tonies Starter Kit is $99.99 and includes a Toniebox and Creative-Tonie. Additional tonies are $11.99-$14.99. You can also find them in stores at FAO Schwartz and independent toy retailers.