Valentine’s Day is coming up, and that means that date nights are on my mind (not to mention one of my goals is to plan 20 of them in 2020). For our Iron Anniversary, I got my husband a pretty cool iron tea pot – and we love to use it to make various teas. It made me think that perhaps a tea date would be fun. What tea date is complete, though, without something tasty to snack on?
(*This post contains links from my partners. If you should click on those links and make a purchase, I will receive a percentage of the sale.)
Planning the Tea & Scones Date
First, you’ll want to select a date on the calendar with availability. You could elect to do tea and scones on a weekend afternoon or you could do it as a breakfast or dessert date. The important thing about date nights – even if you’re staying in – is to put them on the calendar. That helps ensure that both parties will be there.
Next, you’ll want to make sure you have what you need for your date night in – tea cups or mugs, a teapot, some tea, and your scones. You can make it as fancy or simple as you’d like. Personally, I love the idea of getting out my special Noritake tea cups & saucers & bread plates for the date and dressing up. That way it doesn’t just feel like just another night at home.
Decide on what sorts of teas you want. You can either purchase just a favorite tea, or you could purchase some sample teas (Flat 50% OFF Tea Collection Packs) – and make it into a tea tasting party. Take into account the time of day – you probably won’t want to serve green tea or a caffeinated chai in the evening.
Scones from Seven Sisters Scones

Right now, Seven Sisters Scones has some great Valentine’s Day promotions going on (Valentine’s Day Deals at Seven Sisters Scones). You can get a package of 12 mini scones – 4 each of Strawberry Champagne, Triple Chocolate, and Raspberry White Chocolate for just $27. The scones are baked fresh the same morning that they ship – so that means that when you get them, they are going to be really fresh. That saves any having to run around or baking on date night.
Enjoy Your Date!
After you’ve gathered everything together, set it up and enjoy your date! If you do decide to try out this date idea, share what you did in the comments.