Happy new year! May 2019 bring you great contentment!
Wow, was 2018 a weird year for me. It started out ok; I finished the Wichita Run 12k, The Big Run 5k, and Urban ICT’s 10k. I made it four miles into the Titan 10k. I ran every day in July. I trained for the Air Capital Half Marathon, but a week before, I managed to mess my shoulder up. That put me in a pretty cruddy mood from mid-October through the end of the year.
We finished the year off, here, with colds for all of us. MEH. Ladybug came down with it first, on Christmas Eve. Wining Husband got it next, followed by Sir Chubbsalot. Princess Boogie Oogie, the College Kid, and I all came down with it next, and that’s how we started our new year. We missed out on a hockey game, but at least we were well enough to go see Paw Patrol Live this past weekend. I’m still playing catch-up from all of that.

With all of that, I plan on crushing 2019. CRUSHING it. My word of the year is “sparkle,” and I have set quarterly words as well, starting with “organize.” I’m really looking forward to finishing my first half marathon in March, which I’m planning on run/walking in intervals. Wining Husband got me boxing lessons for Christmas, so I’m also really looking forward to that. I’m hoping my energy will be back next week to join in a class.
I’ll do a more thorough recap of our December soon – I had a “nailed it” moment with my 3 year old’s birthday cake, and until I got sick, things were going great! I have a wine review to write up, some spices to review, and a new wine to open and review. I also got a couple of travel books for Kansas, so I’m hoping to write about those and adventures seeing a bit more of this state we’re living in, soon.
For now, though, I’m just going to wish you a happy 2019, and get on to other things. I can’t wait to share more with you! I hope your new year has been better than mine has thus far!