Last night, I was checking out some of my favorite blog RSS feeds, and I came across a post over at A Beautiful Mess taking up the 100 Happy Days challenge. The idea is that for 100 days, you take a picture of something that made you happy, post it on social media, and tag it with the hashtag #100HappyDays.

This sounded like a great idea to me. As a new mom, I have been feeling quite harried lately. It seems as though I’m always task-oriented, and even in my “down time,” I’m trying to tick things off my task list while Baby Girl sleeps. It would be good to stop and smell the happiness, so to speak. Let’s face it, I think that every person stops at some point and says “Hey, I could be happier.”
It will be interesting to take a challenge that would involve creating happiness. Sure, we all have those moments where, as in Reality Bites, where we say “I’m really happy right now.”
So, I figured I’d go ahead and get started on the challenge, using Instagram as the medium. Will you take on the 100 Happy Days challenge with me?
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