I have a LOT of sewing patterns. I also have a LOT of fabric. I currently have almost all my fabric hanging in our office closet, and my sewing patterns in binders in the closet. Of course, the binders are overflowing. I’m trying to figure out what the best way to organize fabric and patterns may be. I was thinking of perhaps pinning sewing patterns to fabrics, but there are sometimes multiple fabrics I want to use for one pattern and multiple patterns for one fabric. I also thought about scanning my patterns, taking a photo of each fabric, and then creating an Excel file so that I could prioritize projects. (The photo to the right only shows about 1/3 of my fabric collection and half my pattern binders).
This brings me to the question: How do you organize your sewing supplies? I’m looking for the best method that will allow me to streamline my sewing projects as I get to them. Please leave your tips in the comments section.