Ah…the moving process. My son and I have moved in with my partner, and it’s wonderful!
We started our life in our new home with the obligatory pizza night – ordering pizza from our favorite local pizza place.
Our world is currently filled with tons of boxes – and books – so it’s going to take a minute to get it all put away where it needs to go. I suspect we’ll need to get a few more bookshelves to hold everything nicely. It’s really the perfect space for us. The backyard is easy-care and so we won’t have to do too much. It even has the PERFECT spot for a firepit.
The kitchen has already been unpacked, and the cats have been moved in successfully. It’s going to be great to put my office together and get everything all decorated and situated.
I’ll be back…once we’ve put all these books away! (This is what happens when a writer/philosopher and librarian have moved in with one another…and these stacks do not include my son’s collection.) In the meantime, how do you organize your media collection (CDs, DVDs, books, etc.)? Do you sort by genre? Title? Author? We have so many books and DVDs and CDs that we’re merging together between the two of us.
That’s one heck of a pile you got there!