Theme Song: “Keep On Moving” – Bob Marley

Current Projects: Looking for new clients, Making contact with all current and prospective clients
So, it’s the new year. Happy New Year. I had a couple of tough years there. It’s my opinion that 2010 should never have happened and a good amount of 2011 was fallout leftover from 2010. I’m glad that it’s 2012. I feel like it’s a clean slate. I’m not sure how I feel about “resolutions,” but I do take time every few months to review my goals and see where I am in conjunction with achieving them. It’s good to develop a life plan.
I’m old enough to know that people don’t change. I’m sure, right now, there’s someone out there saying “But I’ve changed!” But how much? We are who we are at the core. Sure I’ve taken up running – but that’s not really a change in who I am. Instead, it’s a change in my habits. I’ve lost weight – but that also hasn’t changed who I am. (Insert witty dialog on personal identity here…) I’ve had various life experiences that have shaped me, and that have influenced the way I think…but you get the idea.
So it’s the New Year. We’re three days in, now. I keep writing “2011” on stuff… I’m hopeful that it will be a good year. The first few days of the year have been eventful, but for the most part good.
As far as goals go, I’ll be working on having more energy this month (inspired by Gretchen Rubin‘s Happiness Project).
What have you been doing to welcome the New Year?