Ugh, isn’t the whole Anthony Weiner thing old? I mean seriously…you can’t turn on the news without hearing all about it. It kinda makes me wonder what’s going on in the senate. What bills have been passed recently? What foreign policy decisions have been made? I once took an American History class as a wee undergrad (imagine that) and the professor warned us to watch to see what was going on with lawmaking when there was a media circus. I think that this officially qualifies as such. So, without much ado, here are some of the things voted on this past week from OpenCongress.
- Whether to further delay a law that puts a limit on what banks can charge retailers for debit (as opposed to credit) transactions. The vote went through, however, the limit will still go into effect due to the wording of the law
- The proposed Economic Development Redevelopment Act of 2011 (S.782) received yet more suggested amendments ( a current total of 27 ). This act is supposed to create more jobs to stimulate the economy
- The America Invents Act passed and changed patent laws from awarding the patent to the first person who invents the item to awarding the patent to the first person to apply for the patent.
- Money was allocated in H.R. 2017 for the Department of Homeland Security
This, of course, is not a comprehensive list…it’s just a list of things debated and voted on while our attention was diverted the other way on Anthony Weiner’s wiener. Kind of like the cheating spouse who accuses the other spouse of cheating in trying to divert attention.
It’s pretty obnoxious the way these guys just think they can do whatever while they hold office. It’s high time we demand more accountability from our politicians.
Theme song today: “Let’s go Higher,” Jordan Knight
Main project of the day: Firewalk